Welcome to my site! I’m so thankful you took the time to come on by and get inspired to step out and explore! Hopefully, you can find some great things to do and see within the pages of my blog.
How It All Started
Growing up in a small Mid-Missouri town, my friends and I learned how to make fun out of the ordinary. One of those being the country gravel roads. With little else to do, and lots of time to kill, we made a ritual out of gravel-roadin’ trips. Little did I know, I would one day marry someone with an equal affinity to the back roads (although trips from his teenage years were called “road-trippin'” on his side of the river. Which leads to our never-ending debate… Is it “gravel-roadin’” or “road-trippin’”?).

Love of travel began at a young age for me. I was fortunate enough in my childhood to take yearly vacations. Even though, this was mostly places in the Midwest with Mom and Dad. Then, when my oldest sister married a military man, my family had a reason to travel more extensively. In Honolulu, Hawaii, I celebrated my 10th birthday, my 19th birthday in Japan, and my 21st birthday in Las Vegas.
Developing + Sharing My Passion
To say I’m addicted to travel would be putting it lightly. I could spend my whole life traveling, of that, I’m quite certain. In fact, my DREAM JOB would be travel writing. More specifically, I would love to write for Southern Living, Midwest Living, and/or Coastal Living. And, of course, should anyone that works for any of these mags want to solicit me, I’m all yours!
Writing is my fun, creative outlet and travel is my passion. I also love to play with photography so writing this blog is a great way for me to combine all three. Most travel bloggers write specifically to make money from sponsored brand trips. However, I choose to keep this blog original to me and my views. All my articles are based on my opinion, not influenced by money made from sponsored trips. My personal bias stays in each article, which is truly what makes an article helpful for future travelers. I’ll tell you what I like about a place but I’ll also point out what I didn’t like and why. Honesty at it’s finest, right here, folks.

Although I feel like a southerner at heart, I grew up in Central Missouri. I was born in Fulton (a small town with a big history), spent several years living in Jefferson City (the state capitol) and spent a short stent in Nashville, TN. Since “growing up”, we planted our roots in a small, quaint town called Hartsburg, Missouri. Here, everybody knows your name. Literally. And they know your kids’ names and your dog’s name and where you went last Saturday night. And I couldn’t be prouder to call it home.
Truth about Me
- I am the youngest of 5 children, sitting on the downside of 2 sisters and 2 brothers . The age difference is huge. My siblings are all between 9 and 16 years older than myself. Because of this, I felt like an only child growing up.
- Robby, my husband, is also the youngest of 5 children (crazy coincidence, huh?).
- My three children, Olivia, Easton and Denver, are the light of my life. I love being able to guide them through the stickiness of life and help them grow as people.
- Although I’m not currently working a 9-to-5, I am a “retired” ER, Nursing Administration and Home Infusion nurse. Luckily enough, I was able to turn in my notice, coincidentally 6 weeks before the pandemic reared its ugly head. Ever since, I have been a stay-at-home/property manager/caretaker of parents/chaos coordinator.
- A great love of mine is to be outside and I need the sunshine just about as much as I need air. I like to jog, bicycle, kayak, go boating, hiking, and love to be anywhere close to a body of water (lake, river, especially the ocean).
- Any night I can spend drinking a good glass of wine, a local micro brewed beer or a specialty crafted cocktail with friends is a night well spent.
- I play a little piano, spend lots of time plotting out our next adventure, read lots (and lots and lots) of books. Admittedly, I also daydream about what I’m going to be when I grow up and talk a lot about a little.

My goal, my purpose, and my reason for being (maybe a little dramatic??) is to inspire Missourians and people around the US to get out and explore our country. This passion for travel and taking in the new I have, is something I hope to pass on to all my readers.
Blogging as a Pastime
When I started dabbling in the blogging world in 2012, I was entranced by the bloggers who were able to travel the world with seemingly little regard for things like career and home. And, while I continue to admittedly have some green-eyed envy at those lifestyles, I have a reality. That reality is that I have a husband who owns a business close to home. Together, we own several other real estate investing businesses (long term rentals, commercial rentals and vacation rentals). We have three small children, family and friends and a good home in a perfect community that would be missed beyond measure if we traveled the world. I have a good life and I have happily chosen to live it more conventional than my travel blogger colleagues.
That doesn’t stop my never-ending need to explore this glorious ball in the sky that God blessed us with. The more I see of our Show-Me State, the prouder I become to call it my home. Missouri won the Best Trails State award in 2013 and continues to hold surprises for those living here.

Let’s Go Together
I will take you on [mostly] Missouri adventures where we will discover the old and the new together. The hubs and I have spent many an afternoon just driving, and thereby stumbling upon some of the best Missouri has to offer. A lot of times, it’s off the beaten path (which are my favorite places). So come along with me, The Gravel-Roadin’ Guru.