Happy Monday (evening) all! It’s so strange for me to be sitting here, feet up, pjs on, wine in hand on a Monday evening. Usually this time on Monday, I’ve already been hard at it saving lives (or something like it) at work for 3 hours. Gotta admit, I like it. I could get used to it as a matter of fact.
Due to the holiday of bunnies and peeps (Yuck-o), we really didn’t get to do much this weekend. However, after countless (and pointless) hours we spent Saturday afternoon driving all over tim-buck-to looking for our future homestead (well, Hubby drove and I napped a little), we came back to Jefferson City to have a breather at our local microbrewery.
Prison Brews. I love it. This name is so stinkin’ clever. Let me tell you why (if you don’t already know). So there’s a small spot (sarcasm!) overlooking the Missouri here in Jefferson City called the Missouri State Penitentiary. Which is another whole blog story in and of itself. The facility is no longer used (except for prison tours which I’m so gonna take) but still stands, very eerily, along Capital Ave. Just a hop, skip, and a jump down the road and to the left (or right) sits Prison Brews.

Playing off their super-close locale to the prison, Prison Brews is a microbrewery that offers live music, brick-baked pizzas, a large patio for the warm weather days, and a feeling that you should be wearing all orange. The brewery is located at 305 Ash St and has additional parking in back (trust me, you needed to know this ’cause the street is usually parked all up). Prison Brews features a number of beers on tap, made in-house, and of course a full bar. The brew names also tie into the prison theme, Prison Town Brown, Go To Jail Ale, I Ain’t Your Honey Wheat (my fav!), just to name a few.

So, while I wouldn’t make a long trip to JC just to stop into Prison Brews, if you’re in the area and have a bit to relax, you should definitely check it out. I’ll admit that I’m a super bad parent and we did take in Baby Girl but it was daylight and more of a family atmosphere so don’t judge me! If you’re in the mood for live music, visit them most weekend evenings.
Wishing ya’ll a wonderful week! The Gravel-Roadin’ Guru, Pan