Six years ago, I was blessed to have landed a job with an amazing, small specialty pharmacy as their Director of Nursing. I cherished this job for many reasons; good pay, top notch co-workers, two owners/bosses that went above and beyond for the employees. The employees spent time here, learning about ourselves and what makes us tick and learning about those we work with. Self-development was a priority and it stuck with me. Ever since, I’ve been incredibly interested in pursing additional learning to continue growing, even though I no longer work for the company. Well, I no longer work for any company but that doesn’t mean I should stop learning. Right??
The list below includes some of the best self-development books I have read to date. If you’re interested in growing and learning, dive into this list today!
Running low on funds?? No worries. Most of these books I checked out from my public library’s online platform for FREE.

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
Rich Dad Poor Dad was published around 20 years ago but I just recently got around to reading it. Both my husband and I tore through it within just several days, as it was a pretty quick, easy read although it looks like a large book at first.
Robert Kiyosaki’s story is about himself as a child growing up in Hawaii with one dad who was poor and another “dad” who was rich. His story shows the difference in how people who build wealth and those who work the standard 9-to-5 for an someone else, think and act.
I found the book inspirational in changing my thoughts on how to make my money work for me and the best is that there is one key concept that you can implement to make your money continue working for you, as passive income.
If you like learning about money, finances, how to build wealth, and real estate, you will love this book.

The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
When I first started dating my husband, some 14ish years ago, I was in awe at how he was putting himself through college, paying as he goes, and in zero debt. He was in his mid-20s, owned the place he lived outright, owned his vehicle outright, and had built a small business so that he could do so.
Myself on the other hand, had followed a path that everyone else in my circle had followed. Go to college, get lots of student loans, graduate college with a generic degree and no real experience therefore leaving you unhireable (if that’s even a word…), deciding that path isn’t the right one and changing gears just to re-enter college again and do it all over. I had credit card debt I had acquired from a past relationship and lots of student loans. I continued spending like I had plenty of money, even though I was only making around $12/hour at the time as a technician in the Emergency Department, while I attended nursing school.
My then-boyfriend, now-husband gave this book to me and I’m not overexaggerating when I say that it literally changed my life. I immediately started taking action on the concepts in the book and within two years, I had paid all my credit card balances and have never gotten another credit card since. Within the next 7 years I would slowly whittle down my thousands of dollars in student loan debt and have been debt-free from that for years now.
If you’re looking to change the way you think about money, you have to read this book. If you need to get out of debt and re-prioritize your spending habits, you have to read this book. For anyone who did not have a personal finance class in high school or college, you should read this book. For anyone who did have the class, you should also read this book.

High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard
I started following Brendon Burchard on social media several years ago when I was curious about the new self-development aficionados coming into the world. With all the Rachel Hollises and the Tony Robbinses and the Dean Graziosi’s and the Jenna Kutcher’s of the world, he eventually showed up in my feed. I still follow him because he gives great, short, practical advice for making yourself better and that, I love.
This book is a long one but I was able to fly through it because it was so interesting. The author has spent his career studying people and their behaviors and this book was born through one of his longest and most intense studies his team conducted. The study was aimed at determining what the differences are between people who are high performers and people who are not.
I read the book when I was still working as a manager and it really brought some things to light about how I could be even better.
If you’re looking for practical concepts on how to increase your productivity, how to be a better spouse to your husband/wife, or how you can be a top performer at work and in life in general, this book is for you.

The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman
The 5 Love Languages has been around for decades now but I believe this could still be one of the most important books any person who is in a relationship should read.
Based on his work conducting couples therapy, this therapist, Dr Gary Chapman, explains that there are 5 different ways that you can show love to your partner and there are 5 different ways that you receive love as well.
Understanding the five different principles and using that to better understand your spouse will make your marriage stronger, for sure. The key concept for me was understanding that my way of feeling love is different than my spouses. We tend to give love in the way that we like, even though it may (and in my case is) be different. Learning what makes your spouse tick is key.
If you’re looking to boost your marriage and make it stronger, or if you’re in a new relationship or if you’re about to embark on the big “I do”, this book is for you.

The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss
This is my current read (or shall I say listen because I’m doing an audible book from the library) but I couldn’t not include it. I may be overdramatizing a little but at the risk of sounding as such, I’m going to say it anyway. This book will change your life.
Timothy Ferriss built a company and then found himself hating his 80-hour work weeks and dreading getting up in the morning. He realized he was going to go postal if he didn’t make some changes. The changes he made in his life are 100% unconventional and I think that’s why I love it. It has given my a rejuvenated spirit on life that I’ve been needing as of late and I am chomping at the bit to make some serious changes in my own life.
Not only is the story itself captivating, but his humor will have you giggling to yourself. Robby and I are both listening to this right now and we are obsessed. This is one I feel like I will read again and again so I will likely be purchasing the book soon so I can have a hard copy to refer to when I need.
Read this book. That’s all I’m going to say. It’s for everybody. Just read this book. You’re welcome.

The Power of Moments by Chip Heath and Dan Heath
The Power of Moments was mentioned on a podcast I follow (Bigger Pockets Real Estate podcast) and sounded like a good read. I read it pretty quickly and really loved the ideas behind it.
The authors discuss how a moment can be one that’s treasured for years and years. How to make a hotel stay one that your family will remember or how to make a retirement party one you will remember. There is an art behind what sticks in our minds as fond memories and we can manufacture those memories to be great ones, if we understand what makes them great to begin with.
I would have loved to have read this book while I was still managing a team of employees but I just read it recently. However, I feel that the concepts are still usable for our vacation rental company, Vista Vacation Homes.
Even so, this would be great for any parent to read so that you can provide your kids with some of those stick-in-your-mind-forever, feel good memories.
If you own a company, are a manager, or are a parent, this book is for you.

Teaching Kids to Think by Darlene Sweetland and Ron Stolberg
Calling all parents!!!!
Every. single. parent. needs. to. read. this.
Wow. Just wow. We all need to take a hard look at the digital life we are allowing our kids to have. How is it harmful, you say? Well, this book describes it all.
Robby and I have always been very anti-device. We rarely turn on the television and allow our kids maybe a movie or a couple of shows twice a week. We don’t leave the tv on as background noise, like how my house did during my childhood, as likely most Americans did that were raised in the 80s and 90s. Our kids do not have their own devices, even though most of their friends have their own iPads, at the very least.
I have found, and have said this since our oldest was little, that I see poor behaviors more with increased screen time than anything else. Imagination and creativity decrease when screen time is increased. Boredom becomes more prevalent in your child if they don’t have to think of things to do. If they aren’t being stimulated by the TV, they learn to stimulate themselves in other ways.
If you’re a parent, or a grandparent, and are looking for the science and statistics about what damage technology can be doing to your little one, this book is a great place to start.

Developing the Leader Within You by John Maxwell
I don’t even know how John Maxwell can have written as many books as he has but when it comes to leadership, he is the gold standard. His books are easy to understand and he gives lots of real-life examples.
This book was one of the first development books I read when I started my journey and it was perfect for the position I was in. I had a team of almost 20 nurses and I wanted to give them the best manager possible.
I thought this book provided a great outline to become the best manager I could be. John Maxwell has dozens and dozens of other books including how to work best on a team and improving your attitude. I would recommend picking up any of his titles, as I know you’ll get something out of each one. I scored a handful of his books on Amazon several years ago for about $6 each!
If you’re looking to become a better manager or to work yourself to the next level in your current position, this book is for you.

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell
It may seem a bit redundant to include a second title by John Maxwell but that’s how much I believe in the material.
After I finished Developing the Leader Within You, I immediately started in on this book and thought it was a great follow-up book.
Again, this is for anyone wanting to up the ante their leadership skills, whether you’re a manager or an unofficial leader in your department.

The Danish Way of Parenting by Jessica Alexander and Dissing Sandahl
Oh my goodness do I love me some Danish concepts (see also, book below). The Danes are the fantastically happy folks living in Denmark. For years upon years, the Danes have been rated as the #1 Happiest People in the World. Why wouldn’t we want to steal some of their life-living concepts?!?
For any parent who is looking for some general parenting advice, I love this book for providing examples of how the Danish people raise their children using their cultural concepts to create another generation of happier people.
This book is for any parent or grandparent wanting to raise your child to become an overall happy person. Who doesn’t want that?

The Little Book of Lykke by Meik Wiking
Since we’re on the topic, The Little Book of Lykke (pronounced loo-kah) is also a book based on Danish concepts. A year or so after I read The Danish Way of Parenting, I came across this book in a gift store and it was so pretty, I just had to snag it up.
Not only is the book itself stylish and a perfect look for the coffee table, it is written by the CEO of the Happiness Research Institute in Denmark. The Danish Way of Parenting is a great way to look at these concepts for the kids but The Little Book of Lykke is a great way to look at these concepts for yourself.
I loved this book because it shows how dramatically different our values are and how Americans live life so differently than the Danes. I think we have A LOT to learn from their way of life and this is a book I literally have sitting on my end table in my living room so I can scan through and remind myself any time I need, what I need to be placing as important in my life.
Hint: It’s PEOPLE not THINGS.
If you are looking for a great read on simple ways of living that *should* make you a generally happier person, this book is for you.
There you have it. My comprehensive list on books to focus on developing your best self. If you have any recommendations to add, post them below so I can put it on my list.
Happy Reading! ~Amanda~
I can’t believe I haven’t read a lot of these. I am adding them to my list right now. Side note, I do read some of Little Book of Lykke every morning as part of my ritual of getting ready for a productive day with a positive attitude.
I’m glad I can add some to your list:-) I LOVE my Little Book of Lykke and I love that you start your day with that. I should try that too. Good idea!